Java Virtual Machine
Data Types
JVM Runtimes
Symbol table (key - value pair)
Ancillary informations(Support info)
Data Types:
JVM Runime Areas:
PC Register:
if method is native , PC hold either undefined or return addresses(pointer to OPCODES of jvm)
JVM Stacks:
Method Area:
Run Time Constant Pool:
Native Method Stacks:
Data Types
JVM Runtimes
- Java platform was initially developed to address the problem of building s/w for n/w consumer devices.
- To meet requirements , compiled code has to transport across the networks ,works on any client and assure that the client that it was safe to run.
- WWW got popularized , but web HTML format was too limited . So the answer is extensibility in the way of HOTJAVA BROWSER.
- Hot Java Browser implements the java language and platform embedded into HTML webpages.Like HTML pages , compiled programs are n/w and host independent. The programs works the same way regardless of what machine they run on and where they come from.
- Cornerstone of the Java platform.
- is an abstract computing machine . It has its own instruction set and manipulates memory at runtime.
- Component of technology responsible for its h/w and os independence , a small class file of compiled code and ability to protect users from malicious programs
- Knows nothing of Java programming language only a binary format ie.., class file format. Class file format consists of
Symbol table (key - value pair)
Ancillary informations(Support info)
- Class file format is H/w and Os independent binary format
Data Types:
- VM operates on 2 kinds of Data Types
- These are the values actually that can be stored in a variable , passed as an argument and a value returned by methods.
- Jvm expects all type checking is done prior to the runtime , typically by a compiler .
- Explicit support for objects. An object is either dynamically allocated class instance or an array.
- reference to an object is considered to have a JVM reference types.
- Values of type references can be thought of as a pointer to objects. More than one pointers for an object can exist. Objects are operated via type references.
JVM Runime Areas:
PC Register:
- Each Jvm Thread has its own PC register
- Contains current executing method
- Pc register holds any one of the follwing values
if method is native , PC hold either undefined or return addresses(pointer to OPCODES of jvm)
JVM Stacks:
- Per thread
- Stores frames(data , partial results , dynamic linking,return method values , dispatch exceptions)
- Contains local variables , partial results and plays part in method invocation and return
- Common for all java threads
- Memory for all class instances and arrays are allocated
- Created on JVM startup
- Heap storage for objects is reclaimed by automatic management system(gc) , objects are never explicitly deallocated
- If your computation requires more memory than heap , then OUTOFMEMORYERROR
Method Area:
- Common to all Threads
- Contains per-class structures , runtime constant pool , field , method data , code for constructors & methods , instances and interface initialization
- Logically is a part of heap
- VM doesnot mandate location of method area or policies used to manage compiled code
Run Time Constant Pool:
- Per Class/per Interface representation in .Class file
- Contains constants , ranging from numeric literals known at compile time to method/fields resolved at runtime
- Simillar to symbol table
- Allocated from the method area
- Pool for class/interface is constructed when class/interface is created by JVM
Native Method Stacks:
- Thread based not JVM based
- Stacks which assists in interpreting the language other than Java
- JVM cannot load native method stacks
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